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Special Offer Product's

--}} {{--

Produce and supply various Handicraft items all over the world which were very attractive

--}} {{--
GerMedUSA knows that quality surgical instruments are essential for effective medical procedures. Our surgical kits and packs are complete sets of instruments assembled for maximum convenience and efficiency in certain surgeries. Every kit and pack in this category is carefully manufactured and comprises the key instruments used in numerous operations. We offer a diverse range of surgical instrument sets and packs to meet the unique demands of various surgical specialties. GerMedUSA strictly ensures that customers receive quality instruments that meet the highest standard of FDA guidelines and withstand robustly against repeated use. Our surgical kits and packs are crafted from German stainless steel, ensuring longevity and reliable performance. We understand that each surgeon has unique preferences and requirements, so we offer customizable surgical sets and kits.
Contact us to create custom surgical packs tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you have the right tools for every procedure. Explore our range of Surgical Kits & Packs and get special promos and discounts.
@foreach($data['products'] as $product)
@if($product->new == 'Y') New@endif @if($product->price_discounted > 1) {{ round((($product->price_catalog - $product->price_discounted) *100) / $product->price_catalog) }}% OFF@endif
@if (isset($product->image)) {{$product->name}} @else {{$product->name}} @endif {{-- New 16% OFF --}}
  • --}} {{-- @if($product->type != 'variation')
  • @endif --}}

{{ strlen($product->name) > 60 ? substr($product->name, 0, 60) . '...' : $product->name }}

@if($product->price && $product->price_discounted && $product->type != 'variation') @if($product->price_discounted != 0 && $product->price_discounted > 1 && $product->price_discounted != null) ${{$product->price_catalog}} ${{$product->price_discounted}} @else ${{$product->price_catalog}} @endif {{-- @if($data['layout'] !== 'frontend.layouts.mobile') {{ round((($product->price_catalog - $product->price_discounted) *100) / $product->price_catalog) }}% OFF@endif --}} @endif
@if($data['layout'] !== 'frontend.layouts.mobile') {{ $data['products']->appends( request()->except('page') )->links() }} @else {{ $data['products']->appends( request()->except('page') )->onEachSide(1)->links() }} @endif
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