@extends('backend.layouts.app') @section('title', $data['p_heading']) @section('content')
Basic Details
@if($data['order']->ups_tracking_id != '') @endif @if($data['order']->utm_code != '') @endif @if($data['order']->wp_ref != '') @endif
Order ID {{ $data['order']->id }}
Order Date {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($data['order']->created_at)->format('M d, Y H:i:s') }}   ({{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($data['order']->created_at)->diffForHumans() }})
Order Status {{ \App\Models\Order::$statuses[$data['order']->order_status] }}
Checkout Type @if($data['order']->customer_id > 0) Checkout by Registered Customer @else Guest Checkout @endif
Tracking ID • {!! implode('
• ', $data['tracking_ids']) !!}
UTM Code {{ $data['order']->utm_code }} @if(isset($data['utm']->description)) ({{ $data['utm']->description or '' }}) @endif
Web POS Ref {{ $data['order']->wp_ref }}
Packing Slip Print PDF
Invoice Print PDF
Customer Sales Order Print PDF
List of Ordered Items @if ($logged_in_user->isAdmin() && $data['order']->order_status != 7)
@foreach($data['order']->items as $item) @php if($item->image != '') $path = '/up_data/products/images/thumbnails/'.$item->image; else $path = '/up_data/na.jpg'; $total_price = $item->price * $item->quantity; $bogo = null; if(trim($item->bogo) != null) $bogo = json_decode($item->bogo); $vt_promo_text = ''; if($item->has_promo == 'Y') { $promo_products = json_decode($item->promo_products, true); $vt_promo_text = \App\Models\Product::get_vt_promo_text($promo_products); } @endphp @endforeach
Image Product Price Quantity Total  
{{ $item->name }} {{ $item->name }}
• {{ $item->sku }} {!! $vt_promo_text !!} @if($item->engraving_text_primary != '' || $item->engraving_icon != '')
@if($item->engraving_text_primary != '') Engraving Text:
• {{ $item->engraving_text_primary }}
@if(trim($item->engraving_text_secondary) != null)
• {{ $item->engraving_text_secondary }}
@endif @else Engraving Logo / Icon: @endif
@endif @if($item->custom_set == 'Y') @php $sub_products = json_decode($item->custom_set_items, true); @endphp
Customized Surgical Set
@foreach($sub_products as $sp) @php $price = $sp['price']; if($sp['sale_price'] > 0) $price = $sp['sale_price']; @endphp @endforeach
{{ $sp['qty'] }}   x   {{ $sp['name'] }} ${{ number_format($price * $sp['qty'], 2) }}
@endif @if($item->is_backorder == 'Y')
@endif @if ($logged_in_user->isAdmin() && $data['order']->order_status != 7) @endif
@if(!is_null($bogo) && isset($bogo->is_free))
Free Product
@else @if($item->price_original > $item->price)
{{ '$'.number_format($item->price_original, 2) }}
@endif {{ '$'.number_format($item->price, 2) }} @endif
{{ $item->quantity }} @if(!is_null($bogo) && isset($bogo->is_free))
Free Product
@else @if($item->price_original > $item->price)
{{ '$'.number_format($item->price_original * $item->quantity, 2) }}
@endif @if(!is_null($bogo)) @php echo '$'.number_format($total_price - $bogo->discount_amount, 2).''; if(isset($bogo->bogo_free)) echo '
'.$bogo->bogo_free . ' free item(s)'; else echo '
'.$bogo->bogod_percent.'% discount on ' . $bogo->bogod_count . ' item(s)'; @endphp @else {{ '$'.number_format($total_price, 2) }} @endif @endif
@if ($logged_in_user->isAdmin() && $data['order']->order_status != 7) @endif
@if($data['order']->discount > 0) @endif @if($data['order']->tax > 0) @endif @if($data['order']->engraving_charges > 0) @endif
Sub Total {{ '$'.number_format($data['order']->sub_total, 2) }}
Shipping Fee ({{ $data['order']->shipping_service }})   {{ '$'.number_format($data['order']->shipping_fee, 2) }} @if(!in_array($data['order']->order_status, [6,7,8,9]))
Edit Shipping Fee @endif
Discount {{ '$'.number_format($data['order']->discount, 2) }}
Tax {{ '$'.number_format($data['order']->tax, 2) }}
Engraving Charges {{ '$'.number_format($data['order']->engraving_charges, 2) }}
Grand Total {{ '$'.number_format($data['order']->grand_total, 2) }}
Shipping Details @if ($logged_in_user->isAdmin() && $data['order']->order_status != 7)
@if($data['order']->customer_id > 0) @endif
Customer Name {{ \App\Models\Customer::getCustomerName($data['order']->customer_id) }}
Email Address {{ $data['order']->email ?? 'N/A' }}
Ship-to Name {{ $data['order']->first_name . ' ' . $data['order']->last_name }}
Company {{ $data['order']->company ?? 'N/A' }}
Address Line 1 {{ $data['order']->address1 }}
Address Line 2 {{ $data['order']->address2 ?? 'N/A' }}
City {{ $data['order']->city }}
Zip / Postal Code {{ $data['order']->zip_code }}
State @if(is_numeric($data['order']->state)) {{ \App\Models\State::get_state_name($data['order']->state) }} @else {{ $data['order']->state }} @endif
Country {{ \App\Models\Country::get_country_name($data['order']->country) }}
Phone {{ $data['order']->phone ?? 'N/A' }}
Notes {{ $data['order']->notes ?? 'N/A' }}
@if($data['order']->bl_first_name != '')
Billing Details
Billing Email Address {{ $data['order']->email ?? 'N/A' }}
Billing Name {{ $data['order']->bl_first_name . ' ' . $data['order']->bl_last_name }}
Billing Company {{ $data['order']->bl_company ?? 'N/A' }}
Billing Address Line 1 {{ $data['order']->bl_address1 }}
Billing Address Line 2 {{ $data['order']->bl_address2 ?? 'N/A' }}
Billing City {{ $data['order']->bl_city }}
Billing Zip / Postal Code {{ $data['order']->bl_zip_code }}
Billing State @if(is_numeric($data['order']->bl_state)) {{ \App\Models\State::get_state_name($data['order']->bl_state) }} @else {{ $data['order']->bl_state }} @endif
Billing Country {{ \App\Models\Country::get_country_name($data['order']->bl_country) }}
Billing Phone {{ $data['order']->bl_phone ?? 'N/A' }}
@endif @if($data['order']->order_status == 3)
Followup Emails
@foreach($data['messages'] as $message) @endforeach
Subject Date Sent
{{ $message->subject }} {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($message->created_at)->format('M d, Y H:i:s') }} ({{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($message->created_at)->diffForHumans() }})
@if($data['order']->ac_emails > 2) Send Followup Email @endif
@else @if($data['order']->payment_type == 'Credit Card')
Payment Details
Transaction Tag {{ $data['order']->transaction_id }}
Authorization Number {!! $data['order']->balance_transaction !!}
Transaction Reference {!! $data['order']->payment_method !!}
Card Number {!! $data['order']->card_number . ' - '. strtoupper($data['order']->card_type) .'' !!}
Transaction Record Click to View
@endif @endif
Order Status Updates
@foreach($data['notifications'] as $notification) @endforeach
Subject Message Status Customer Notified Date
{{ $notification->subject }} {{ $notification->message }} {{ \App\Models\Order::$statuses[$notification->order_status] }} {{ ($notification->email_sent == 'Y') ? 'Yes' : 'No' }} {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($notification->created_at)->format('M d, Y H:i:s') }}
({{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($notification->created_at)->diffForHumans() }})
Update Order Status
{!! Form::open(array('route' => 'admin.orders.save-status', 'method' => 'POST')) !!}
{!! Form::label('order_status', 'Status') !!} {!! Form::select('order_status', \App\Models\Order::$statuses, null,['class'=>'form-control', 'required', 'placeholder'=>'Please Select ...']) !!}
{!! Form::label('ups_tracking_id', 'Shipping Tracking ID') !!} {!! Form::text('ups_tracking_id', null,['class'=>'form-control', 'placeholder'=>'Please enter tracking ID ...']) !!}
{!! Form::label('subject', 'Subject') !!} {!! Form::text('subject', null,['class'=>'form-control', 'required', 'placeholder'=>'Please enter subject ...']) !!}
{!! Form::label('message', 'Message') !!} {!! Form::textarea('message', null,['class'=>'form-control', 'required', 'placeholder'=>'Please enter message ...']) !!}
{!! Form::label('email_sent', 'Notify Customer') !!}
{!! Form::checkbox('email_sent', 'Y', ['class'=>'form-control', 'placeholder'=>'Please Select ...']) !!} Yes, Send email to customer with status update
{!! Form::hidden('order_id', $data['order']->id) !!} {!! Form::hidden('customer_id', $data['order']->customer_id) !!} {!! Form::close() !!}
@push('after-styles') @endpush @push('after-scripts') @endpush @stop