@extends('frontend.layouts.app') @php $title = trim($data['product']->meta_title); if($title == null || $title == 'NULL') $title = $data['product']->name . ' - ' . app_name(); if($data['product']->do_index == 'N' || $data['product']->status == 'N') $no_index = 'NOINDEX'; $stock_info = \App\Models\Product::printStockInformation($data['product']); $page = 'product-detail'; $show_specs = false; @endphp @section('title', $title) @if(trim($data['product']->meta_keywords) != null || trim($data['product']->competitor_skus) != null) @section('meta_keywords', $data['product']->meta_keywords . ', ' . $data['product']->competitor_skus) @endif @if(trim($data['product']->meta_description) != null) @section('meta_description', $data['product']->meta_description) @endif @if($data['product']->is_canonical == 'Y') @php if($data['product']->canonical_url != '') $url = $data['product']->canonical_url; else $url = URL::to( '/' . $data['product']->slug); @endphp @push('head-area') @endpush @endif @push('head-area') {{-- jbox cdn --}} {{----}} @endpush @if(isset($no_index)) @push('head-area') @endpush @endif @section('content')

{{ $data['product']->name }}

@foreach($data['sub_products'] as $sub_product)

{{ $sub_product->name }}

@if($data['product']->type == 'variation')
@foreach($data['sub_products'] as $sub_product)
@php $price_info = \App\Models\Product::getPriceText($sub_product, 'detail'); echo $price_info['price_text']; @endphp
@php $price_to_check = $price_info['sale_price']; if($price_to_check == 0) $price_to_check = $price_info['price']; @endphp @if($price_to_check >= 200) @endif @endforeach
@php $price_info = \App\Models\Product::getPriceText($data['product'], 'detail'); echo $price_info['price_text']; @endphp
@php $price_to_check = $price_info['sale_price']; if($price_to_check == 0) $price_to_check = $price_info['price']; @endphp @if($price_to_check >= 200) @endif @if($price_info['discount_percentage'] > 0) @push('after-scripts') @endpush @endif
@endif @if($data['faqs'] != null) @endif
@if($data['product']->type == 'variation') @endif
@if($data['product']->type != 'variation')
SKU: {{ $data['product']->sku }}
@endif {!! $stock_info['message'] !!} @if(trim($data['product']->short_description) != null)

{!! nl2br(strip_tags($data['product']->short_description)) !!}

@endif {!! \App\Models\Product::printSetProducts($data['product']) !!}
@foreach($data['sub_products'] as $sub_product) @php $uniq_id = uniqid(); $stock_info = \App\Models\Product::printStockInformation($sub_product); @endphp
SKU: {{ $sub_product->sku }}
{!! $stock_info['message'] !!} @if(trim($sub_product->short_description) != null)

{!! nl2br(strip_tags($sub_product->short_description)) !!}

@endif {!! \App\Models\Product::printSetProducts($sub_product) !!}
{!! $data['banner'] !!}
@csrf @if($data['product']->type == 'variation')
{{ \App\Models\Product::$variation_caption[$data['product']->variation_select] }}
{{-- --}} @foreach($data['sub_products'] as $sub_product) @php if(trim($sub_product->additional_information) != null) $show_specs = true; $image = 'up_data/na.jpg'; if($sub_product->image != '') $image = 'up_data/products/images/medium/'.$sub_product->image; $caption = $sub_product->name; if(trim($sub_product->variation_caption) != null) $caption = $sub_product->variation_caption; $price_info = \App\Models\Product::getPriceText($sub_product, 'detail'); @endphp
@else @endif {{--
Get $10 Discount
Get $20 Discount
Get $30 Discount
@if($stock_info['in_stock'] == 'Y')
Get Custom Marking

Categories: @foreach($data['product_categories'] as $cats) {{ $cats->name }} @if (!$loop->last) , @endif @endforeach

{{--@if(trim($data['product']->tags) != null) @php $tags = explode(',', $data['product']->tags) @endphp

Tags: @foreach($tags as $tag) {{ $tag }} @if (!$loop->last) , @endif @endforeach

{{----}} {{-- --}}

Product Review

@if(trim($data['product']->full_description) != null) {!! $data['product']->full_description !!} @endif
@foreach($data['sub_products'] as $sub_product)
@if(trim($sub_product->full_description) != null) {!! $sub_product->full_description !!} @endif
{!! \App\Models\Product::printAddtionalInformation($data['product']->additional_information) !!}
@foreach($data['sub_products'] as $sub_product)
{!! \App\Models\Product::printAddtionalInformation($sub_product->additional_information) !!}
@endif @if($data['faqs'] != null)
@endif @if(count($data['videos']) > 0 || count($videos) > 0)
@foreach($data['videos'] as $video) @php $img_path = 'up_data/products/videos/thumbnails/'.$video->video_thumbnail; if($video->video_thumbnail == '' || !file_exists($img_path)) $img_path = 'up_data/na.jpg'; @endphp
{{ $video->title }}
@endforeach @foreach($videos as $video) @if(isset($video->video_id))
{{ $video->title }}
@endif @endforeach
@endif @if(count($data['files']) > 0) @php $fa_exts = ['.pdf' => 'fa-file-pdf', '.docx' => 'fa-file-word', '.doc' => 'fa-file-word', '.xlsx' => 'fa-file-excel', '.xls' => 'fa-file-excel']; @endphp
@foreach($data['files'] as $file) @php $file_path = 'up_data/products/files/'.$file->name; if($file->name == '' || !file_exists($file_path)) { continue; } $ext = strrchr($file->name,'.'); @endphp @endforeach
{!! $data['warranty'] !!}
@if(count($data['reviews']) > 0)

{{ count($data['reviews']) }} REVIEW FOR {{ strtoupper($data['product']->name) }}

@foreach($data['reviews'] as $review)
@for($i = 1 ; $i <= 5 ; $i++) @endfor
{{ $review->name }} - {{ date('M d, Y', strtotime($review->created_at)) }}

{{ $review->comments }}

@endforeach @endif {!! Form::open(array('route' => ['frontend.review.store'], 'method' => 'POST', 'id' => 'review_form')) !!} @csrf {!! Form::hidden('product_id', $data['product']->id) !!}


Thank you! we have received your review and if required we will respond within 48 hours.

Your Rating

{!! Form::close() !!}

@endsection @push('after-scripts') @if($data['product']->type == 'variation') @endif {{-- ambiguous means not sure if these cdns being used or not --}} {{-- --}} {{-- ambiguuos links ends --}} @if($data['product']->type == 'simple') @endif @foreach($data['promos'] as $promo) @endforeach @if($data['product']->type == 'variation') @endif
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